The Landscape Architecture portion of the project consisted of planning and landscape design for bus circulation and customer loading, handicap parking improvements, pedestrian access across North Brown Road, and resulting impacts to the existing parking facility.
Phase II: Columbia Engineering was selected to redesign the transit facility to improve bus & customer circulation and the customer waiting platform, including the addition of shelters, seating, and site furniture. Improved safety was a priority, accomplished by redesign of handicap parking and design for a new pedestrian access across North Brown Road. Additional bus storage lanes were also added to the plans to allow buses to enter a queue and approach the pedestrian loading zone upon schedule. These queuing areas were modeled and engineered to fit within the project limits without encroaching onto neighboring properties or outside established easements.
Sugarloaf Park and Ride
Phase I: Columbia Engineering was selected to design parking lot and landscape improvements for the Sugarloaf Mills Park and Ride in Gwinnett County. Working closely with Gwinnett County DOT, Columbia developed civil and landscape plans for the expansion which met our client’s goals of meeting Gwinnett County landscape requirements, working within the Gwinnett DOT framework for plant selection and scheduling, design for the reuse of existing mature and healthy plants to reduce costs and promote environmental responsibility, and keeping as much landscape space as practical while losing landscape area to provide additional parking.