The Orchard at White Street Park, Suwanee, GA
Columbia Engineering Landscape Architects worked with the City to provide an inspiring vision of developing an Orchard that could also encourage creative open-ended play, education, and passive recreation. After the refinement of conceptual design to meet Mayor and City Council approval, Columbia provided construction documents for site engineering, landscape, and irrigation design for a one-acre public orchard and natural playground located within a City of Suwanee Park. The park currently contains over 150 fruiting plants, including over 50 distinctly different cultivars. Other features include recycled material pathways, pavilion and matching tool shed, benches, lighting, fence, trellises, living willow tree structures, a specialty hand pump system, and an earth mound with 12’ and 30’ long embankment slides. Columbia also assisted in the bidding process and provided construction administration for the City of Suwanee to see the project through to completion.
Mulberry Park, Hall County, GA
Columbia Engineering planners developed park master plan concepts to assist Hall County in evaluating a 22-acre park project. The scope of design included conceptual master planning, preliminary engineering, and color renderings. Program elements included a community center, dog park, amphitheater, nature trails, public works facility, picnic pavilions, athletic fields, and playgrounds.
Johnson Dean Park, Norcross, GA
The City of Norcross worked with Columbia Engineering to evaluate and assess a seven-acre park site which contained historic water works structures. Columbia held public presentations and collaborated with architectural preservationists and other sub-consultants to evaluate various options for the construction of a park which met the current City needs while preserving the history of the community.